The Vikings

The Lesnes Abbey ruins make a great starting place to discuss the Vikings in Britain.

Girl in viking outfit on a ruined wall

Age: Key Stage 1 (5-7) and Key Stage 2 (7-11)

Curriculum Links: The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor

Description: The first half of the day will involve using maps to find and study the impact of the Vikings’ invasion on Britain including their raids on monasteries. Norse gods and goddesses and daily life will be discussed using artefacts before the children complete a Viking history timeline in groups.

The second half will take classes into the woods to discover Viking life. Activities will include making and baking bread over a fire, learning traditional fire lighting techniques, whittling and making rune pendants. Viking objects and foods will be used to get the class thinking about how the Vikings lived and utilised the resources and land around them.

Costs:  Full Day £8.30 per pupil (minimum charge £200)

Girl in viking outfit peeps around ruins
Girl in viking outfit

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